Owl Reminder FAQ

Feel free to ask your question in the comment and we will add them to the list as well.
How can I switch to different Google account?
The app obtains the authorization through the current signed-in user of Chrome. In order to use a different account, you can add a new user in Chrome and open the app from that user’s App Launcher or chrome://apps/.
Is my privacy protected? Is this app safe to use?
We use Google Calendar API to access and retrieve the calendar events securely and utilize Chrome Identity API to provide a safe, password-less user authentication. No confidential user information or credentials is stored locally or remotely.
Can I delete/modify/create event and sync that back to Google Calendar?
Currently the app only pulls events from Google Calendar in a read-only mode therefore it doesn’t support modifying the calendar. This allows us to focus on a simple reminder app than a full-feature calendar alternative.
The app no longer updates/ the Connect button doesn't work
If the app doesn’t connect or stops working after Chrome updates, it could be due to some issue with Chrome. Please uninstall and re-install the app. If that still doesn't help, you can try 1) Disconnect and reconnect your Google account with Chrome 2) Reinstall Chrome. Some user fixed their issues after reinstalling Chrome.